Heating & Clock Appeal

We are keen to raise funds for both a replacement heating system and refurbishment of the Church clock. Will Ablett, our Treasurer, is leading the Appeal, so in the first instance please contact Will or simply donate, noting that your donation is for either or both Heating and Clock.



Many of you will know we have an elderly boiler (see below) which is past its best and prone to breaking down. We are in the midst of trying to find a greener alternative or replace the existing boiler with more modern system. The boiler is resident under the Choir vestry, under a rather unpleasant trapdoor and steps…not for the faint hearted.


At St Mary’s in keeping with our ancient heritage we are the proud owners of one of the oldest Church clocks in the North West of England. We have a copy of the original articles of agreement for the current clock which dates it to 3rd January 1743 and that makes it more than 100 years older than Big Ben! (1859).

Our clock has remained relatively unchanged since its original installation and is accurate to approximately 1 minute per week which is quite amazing for a clock in its 277th year! Some years ago, it had a major service with new ropes installed but the basic mechanism continues to use the main parts installed all those years ago.

It is a pendulum clock with an iron frame and all the wheels and bushes which makeup the main mechanism are made of brass. There are three winding drums one each for the clock itself, the quarter chimes and the hour chimes. The clock has its own room in the tower on a floor between the ringing chamber and the bell chamber and it runs for eight days before it needs winding, which typically takes place once a week on a Sunday when the bells are NOT ringing as it can be a very noisy job otherwise.

You may well have noticed that the clock isn’t currently working and needs a full refurbishment, together with and electric winder. We have obtained a grant towards the cost of the work, but still need to raise apron £5000.

To donate, please click the link below which takes you to our giving page, you can then choose to donate a sum of your choice.
