Welcome to St Mary’s, Alderley
I’d like to welcome you to our beautiful church in the middle of the Cheshire countryside. If you come to visit you’ll see our important stained glass, hear our bells and listen to our organ, enjoy the grounds and churchyard but most importantly you’ll experience a warm welcome from God’s people in this place. The building is stunning, and is what you’d wish for when imagining a country church. It’s been here for over 800 years, so the stones are literally immersed in the prayer life of generations. It is a very special place. Sunday morning worship is held in St. Mary’s Church at 9.45am.
Young people are welcome!
We have all sorts going on for young people and families including a monthly Minecraft church (press LINK) on a different theme each session. Up to 20 kids come and create their worlds around a biblical theme and enjoy delicious snacks whilst the adults can have a chat with a cuppa. We also have a monthly all-age service with good teaching and story telling, and always food and drinks after the service.
Older people are welcome!
I once heard a parishioner in a previous church say ‘I’m too old. I can’t do anything.’ At St Mary’s we value people of all ages, especially those who are not 21 anymore. Our older congregation are our backbone of prayer, and we reply on them for their support. We also try to create dementia-friendly worship which means that everyone can play their part in the worship of Almighty God and enjoy each other’s company in God’s house.
Musical talents are welcome!
We have a small and dedicated choir, with a desire to reach out and to grow. If you’d like to join or have a go, please speak to one of our members. You don’t need to be trained, but you do need to have a passion for singing and joining in.
Animals are welcome!
What I really love about St Mary’s is our welcome to all God’s creatures. We regularly have four-legged friends visit us, and church is not the same without our regular furry visitors.
Everyone in between is welcome!
Whatever your age, background, gender, sexuality, creed or colour, you are welcome. St Mary’s is genuinely open-armed and, I hope, shares the love of God in the real world. Our church is affirming and open. Come and see.
You’re welcome whoever you are!
Rev. Nathan Jarvis

St.Mary’s Church takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues of a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at www.chester.anglican.org/social-responsibility/safeguarding
This parish takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. Any individual who wishes to come forward with information or to make a disclosure is encouraged to make direct contact with the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Gill Beeley. Alternatively, you can contact the diocesan Safeguarding Team or speak to someone from a dedicated independent support service where this is more appropriate. All the details can be found on the Safeguarding pages of the diocesan website.