
At St Mary’s, we bless all sorts of things; each other, our homes, and even our pets! We also offer blessings on a slightly larger scale. If you’ve been married for a long time, and would like to renew your vows, or you’ve been married in a civil ceremony (in a register office for example) you might also want a blessing in church. It may be that you you’d like a small intimate ceremony with family and a few friends, or a larger event; we can offer both. 

I have a very dear friend who has recently been very poorly. To celebrate his recovery, he and his wife decided to hold a service of blessing and thanksgiving. It was a wonderful day filled with gratitude, love and laughter. 

You may have been married for decades and want to renew your vows, this too is something we offer at St Mary’s. 

You may have been married in a different faith environment but one of you wants a church ceremony; a blessing might be just what you need. 

Do come along and speak to the Rector about your requirements and wishes. 

Should you need any further information please download our brochure HERE or contact Deb Sellars on