There is a list of people who are unable to join us now.
Sally,Gail,Cordelia.Ann R.If anybody has any messages to send to the meeting please let me know.This thought also includes people who recieve this resume but are also unable to join us.
On this occasion Marie sends apologies she was going for her 2nd vaccination.
Elizabeth W apologies because she was going to visit John.This was the first visit.
I expect to speak to her later.As far as the family could tell John was progressing slowly in the right direction.
Margaret joined us. She has been to see her specialist again.All being well she expects to have her operation on May 20th.
Maureen is going to see her specialist next Monday.
Ann R has survived her move.Very traumatic.She has not been well.Everything is slowly improving.please note her Email has changed.
Fiona and I have both been in touch with her in the last week.
Maureen is talking to Beryl E regularly. She is alone now, as her family have returned to their homes. Think Ronelda is also doing this.
Anne D has spoken to Jean L hoping very much Jean will feel able to join us soon.
Those of us who get to-gether regularly really have a smiley time..?
Many are getting involved with the Zoom Sunday Service.There are still teething problems.
Mark And Rachel trying hard to correct them.Next Sunday will be streamed live and also on Facebook.
Last Sunday night there was a Service in conjunction with St Philips and St James but on behalf of our Benefice.Recter and Rachel were responsible. It was very successful . Identified Christian Fellowship and included contemplation from many aspects.
We talked about it, appreciated by all who attended.
It was hoped perhaps it could be repeated in the future in perhaps a similar format.
Much discussion took place yesterday on the way ahead for Christianity.!!
We get up to all sorts.?
I have spoken to Lesley regarding Oasis
They have to remain closed at the moment
Maureen and Lesley have alot of items to go whenever possible. 2 garages full at least?
Food parcels still being sent out.If anybody is able to help with tinned and dried food, all gratefully recieved.Leave with Lesley, Maureen or the porch here.
Think that is all.
Fiona.X. and Janet.X