A get together was held yesterday as agreed.There were apologies for reasons previously stated from Sally, Gail. Ann R. Cordelia .
Marie was not able to be with us.
I had to be out of it, because all the house Internet was off. Something wrong in our area.
Not back until 8.00 pm. Very cut off without that cable connection.No Tele?
This is a cobbled version of what happened.?? Gleaned from those present.
7 people took part. I gathered a good chat took place.A lot of discussion regarding the Zoom Service on Sunday.Everybody appreciated Micheal’s flowers.These are essential to our Church life.Thank you Michael.I have included you in this, so you can see the comments.!Please note the service next Sunday will be on FaceBook.
Everybody is being so helpful keeping in touch with our Church Community. This is so important and much appreciated.At this time we need to really keep things to-gether for the future.
Margaret and Marie both spoken to Beryl B. Who I understand is fine.
Lesley has sent me information from Oasis.Will send separately.
If I have left anything out, will deal with it next week.
Looking out at our beautiful Magnolia.Completely frosted last night.
Great expectations dashed.
As usual Fiona will let you have Zoom details for next week.
Fiona X. Janet X.