Yesterday Sally,Gail,Ann R,Cordelia,gave ongoing apologies.I have been in contact with Sally, AnnR and Cordelia in the last week.They all sent love. Chris is often out walking with Henry, sometime they will make a guest appearance.?
Marie is having a change of scenery in Wales at the moment.
ElizabethW was so pleased John was returning home yesterday. A lot of help and support required. We all went love to them both.
We are also thinking of Beryl E
With Fiona’s wonderful guidance 8 of us had a good catchup.
Since our meeting Fiona has sent everybody details of Zoom Meetings in the future.Both for Social meetings and Sunday morning services.
If anybody has any queries please let us know.
Just remember the Zoom access nos for Social and Church will now be the same every week.
One for Social and one for church.
Last Sunday’s service was fine, still a few problems but thanks to everybodies hard work we are getting there.I understand there were 22 in church. Think 15 on Zoom.
A few reported they could not access on Zoom. I was one! Watched successfully later on FaceBook.
Those who joined St Philips evening service had a treat.It was a typical Melanesian service.
Bishop Willy’s daughter Kate administered it.The Bishop gave the Sermon.Rachel was delighted some of our Benefice joined in.
When I have heard from Rachel I will let you know what is to happen next Sunday..
Lesley has let me know that Oasis will not be able to accept any thing for their shop until at least July.We have much to go whenever in people’s garages.So maybe for the time being you i should find another home for anything you have.
Maureen wondered if we might have an individual picnic when we can finally can get to- gether.
Please bear in mind.
Ronelda has had Anne M for lunch. Some will remember her.
Ronelda also told us Miles F has sadly died. A few may remember him.
Just for interest there is a PCC meeting on Zoom tomorrow night. There is much to be discussed looking to the future.
Love Fiona.X. and Janet.X