Oasis Christmas 2022 Appeal

Thank you all for your generous support to Oasis throughout the year, and recently with Harvest gifts and the wonderful “left-overs” from the Flower Fund August Tea Party. They are always received most gratefully by some of the poorest in our society.

The Oasis shop is open daily and is glad of all our jumble, and items such as clothes that are no longer needed.  The food bank operates daily too, for the most needy.  But with Christmas approaching I hope we can all make a special effort to give food parcels (and other gifts, of course, but food is the most pressing).  I know that there are many good charities calling to us, and that many of you donate to food banks in the supermarkets, but St Mary’s has long been a wonderful supporter of Oasis and I hope this can continue.

I go every Monday as a volunteer in the Education Department, and Maureen and Geoff Woolley frequently drive in to bring items donated.  So please bring what you can, in the weeks between now and Christmas, either to the basket to the left of the door as you come into church, or leave them on my porch.  They will all be put to good use!

Thank you in advance.

Lesley Marsh

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