We had our weekly Social Meeting yesterday.11 present.
As always there was much to talk about.
We had a thought as to how we would proceed in the Summer.
It was decided to continue on a Tuesday at 4.30 (please note time change) from next week, until May 17th. Then maybe not so often in the Summer months.To be revisited.There will be difficulties with people being away. In the future Fiona will need a stand in.I am sure somebody could do my part !!
Sally has sent her apologies, very grateful for all news.Hopes to be with us one day.
Gail asked me to give apologies if she was not with us.
Elizabeth S sent apologies.
Also Ann R.
We have some faithful helpers
Anne D is keeping in regular contact with Jean L. Also with June C.June is gently progressing
Avril L whom I am in regular contact with keeps in touch with the Flower arrangers and others.
We are all very grateful to Rector and Rachel for our weekly Sunday Services.
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, please join in if you can.If you have a palm cross hidden away please bring it.
Those who can will be able to go to Church on Easter Day.
Hopefully, following that Services will be resumed in church on Sundays.
Thought is being given as to how those who can not get to church,for many reasons,can feel included.
Lesley now has a lot of gifts, both food and Easter eggs to take to Oasis. Any further donations can still be left either with her or in our front porch, please, by the week end.Please bear in mind how difficult the life is for many in the poor areas of Gorton and Manchester.
Rachel joined us for a discussion about 2 projects, we propose to follow up, that have arisen
following Lady Day and it’s meaning to the MU.
We had an open discussion.Many of you will know Rachel has been in contact William W church in California .William is Noni’s son. A friendly liason has been set up with them.You will remember they took part in our Mother’s Day service.Rachel is going to help us put to-gether a special reading in praise of Mary.Also Rachel will put to-gether a history of the making of our special MU banner.these will be presented to William’s church.also.maybe go on our webb site.
People have been reading during Lockdown.
Sally is reading a John Grisham at the moment.She enjoys Rosie Tomas. Good stories a light read.
Marie suggested the Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett
Avril ,A life on our Planet.by David Attenborough and John Simpson.The invisible Killer by Garry Fuller this about air pollution
I am just finishing a trilogy by Dilly Court a Christmas Wedding’ Village Scandal ‘The Country Bride. Kind permission Ronelda.
Hope that? is all
Just had my call for my 2nd vaccination, progress, Thursday next week .
Fiona will let you have Zoom connection details.
Fiona X Janet, X