Church news October 2024

We have a “bevy” of Church dignitaries leading worship over the coming month; make sure not to miss the confirmation service on Sunday 29th  September with Bishop Sam (it’s in the evening with no morning service), also Sunday the 27thOctober with the Archdeacon, Ven. Jane Proudfoot.  We’ve also not one, but two Harvest services on the 20th, I’m assuming some of this will involve small horses (assuming we can’t find a donkey) with possible vintage tractor?  

On Friday 1st November, at 6.30pm, Nathans holding an All-Souls Service, more details to come.  This is one of our most popular and poignant services, at which we commemorate family, friends and loved ones who have passed away.

Will led a lovely sunny walk around Lyme Park, on Saturday 14th Sept, how he manages to arrange such excellent weather we’ll never know.  The next walk will be led by Phil on Saturday 19th October, somewhere in the Peak District.  This is his second walk, he didn’t manage to lose anyone on his first, thanks to careful “direction and coaching” from his wife!

Diary dates

Sunday 29th September Confirmation service 6.30pm Bishop Sam – NO MORNING SERVICE 

Sunday 6th October 9.45am All Age Service

Tuesday Oct 8th Coffee at De Trafford Arms, Alderley 10.30am

Saturday October 12th Christian Aid Quiz night & Fish and chip supper tickets from Fiona

Sunday 13th October 9.45am BCP

Saturday 19th October Walking group led by Phil

Sunday 20th October 9.45am Harvest Service

Sunday 20th October 6.30pm Harvest evensong with the Deanery Choir

Sunday 27th October Common Worship Eucharist – Ven Jane Proudfoot

Friday 1st November 6.30pm ALL SOULS SERVICE

If you like a quiz and Fish and chips, make sure you check out the Christian Aid Quiz night, 7 for 7.30pm, tickets at a very reasonable £15.  Fiona has a veritable supply of them and will fill you in on all the details.

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