Hope everybody is enjoying the weather.
Had our usual meeting yesterday. Wonderful what information everybody collects in the week.
Everybody has become real friends over the months.
On the whole the picture is the same for people who can not regularly join us in touch reasonably regularly.This also applies to people and their various problems.
Margaret improving.
Ann R still battling.They are still struggling to find the cause.
So nice to see Jean L who has braved Zoom.!
Zoom Church Service getting better and better.
We owe so much to those who are working so hard to surmount the problems.
Must bear in mind all trial and error.!
We are putting an item in the July magazine regarding plans to offer a simple drink after morning service again. This is with the proviso help is offered.If that is not forth coming it will not be able to happen.Some of us have been involved over many many years and physically just can not continue.Please think about it.
Let me 01625 583320 or Fiona A know.
The plans for a get to-gether for a lunch are now activated,Definately July 20th at the Drum and Monkey off Heyes Lane meeting at 12.30 Very informal. Good parking.
Easy Access.
Let Me 01625 583320 or Maureen W 01625 582807 know.
Finally I will be away for 2 weeks from next Saturday.The family are taking me to Cornwall.So there will not be an update until my return.Fiona will also be away during this time.
The Zoom connection will be open next Tuesday as usual.
Do join in.We know some will be.
Send you a footprint of where we will be.
Janet X. Fiona X