Social Zoom – 18th May 2021

Gosh where does the day go?

Happy get to-gether yesterday.
Less people taking part because the world has opened up.
A few were still talking at 5.50.?
It was really good to see Jean L who managed zoom wonderfully for the first time, trained by Fiona.
Following those who are finding life difficult and supporting them is still important.

Catchup about people
Margaret going to have her op to-morrow. We will be thinking of her.
Cordelia back at work and sends love to everybody. It was her birthday yesterday. We send her birthday wishes, she and Tracy paddle boarding in Abersoch. Hoping to stay upright!
Elizabeth W battling with day to day living. John getting very slowly better.
Elizabeth F staying with her daughter.
Ann R settling in. A huge problem with her back. She was having a Zoom physio session yesterday. Sadly her Aunt who was105 I think, passed away peacefully on Monday night.
This adds to the things she has to do.
Steph is resting a lot. Life not easy for her. She Sends love to everybody.
Since yesterday I have had a long long talk with Rita B. She also sends love. She is having things done to new home. Sends special love to Sally.
Anne A been for a coffee, may be will ask her to come here and join us.
As you know there are a few people who get this resume and can’t join us at the moment.
I keep in touch with them regularly.

Everybody who was around on Sunday morning joined the service on Zoom.
We appreciate the work on going to improve the transmission.14 were on Zoom.
The evening service done through St Philips on behalf of our Benefice was well received.
Big thankyou to Rector and Rachel.

We discussed having a quiet lunch at a pub very soon, will get this organised,

Next week several of us are otherwise engaged. We have a cream tea for members of Women in fellowship. There was disappointment that we might not meet, so there will be a get together for those who are free as usual.

The Zoom details for next week will be the same as this week.
Hang on to it!

Fiona X. Janet X

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