Social Zoom Review – 16th February 2021

We had a Valentine’s Day/Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day meeting.

First a catchup about everybody.
Marie gave apologies, we were pleased to learn Micheal had completed the necessary tests and he had an appointment now for May.
Sally apologies Granny sitting. Thinking of everybody,sent love.
Cordelia working sent love with apologies.
Elizabeth F sent apologies. She finds one Zoom meeting a day enough.Yesterday clashed with another.
Elizabeth S has had a cataract operation. Battling with the drops 4 times a day.
Hoping for great improvement but has to have her other eye done.
Rita had sent apologies. She really enjoys seeing everybody when she can.Janet has spoken with her at length in the last week.
Maureen is keeping in touch with Beryl E.Max still in Macclesfield
Noni updated us regarding Audrey H. Audrey is known to members of the MU.

Maureen offered the Prayer to-day Please could somebody be prepared to do it next week.
It really helps if other people feel they can help with our get togethers.

Most people had joined the Zoom Service last Sunday. Some with a feeling of query.
How ever it was agreed it went very well. Big thank you to Rector
Look forward to next Sunday. If anybody needs the Zoom connection please let Rector or me know.

Last week I sent the detail of the World Day of Prayer – March 5th 2.00pm. Since then Maureen has spoken to Judy P. The Methodist Church will be running it this year. The event will take place on Zoom. St Philips and St James helping . They have great knowledge of running events via Zoom, especially Mandy P. We need to offer 3 readers. Maureen will do one , Noni offered, Maureen will find the 3rd – more detail later.

Janet keeps in regular touch with Lesley regarding Oasis, they are in the main coasting along.
It is some time off but big plea for a Easter eggs. Lesley will deliver the week before Easter.
Also please consider offering dry food. Oasis are doing food supplies as needed, Items can be left on Lesley’s doorstep, or if simpler in the front porch of Alderley Cottage or with Maureen.

At the end of all this we had a discussion about books and reading matter. If anybody needs more info on books, hope we can sort out next week. Such a quick discussion
did not get much noted.

I also need it to be noted we send special love to Steph. We think of her.

Fiona will send info on Zoom connection for next week.
As usual thank you to Fiona for controlling the zooming.

I’m the meantime live carefully?? No gadding about!!

Fiona X. and Janet X

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